New IRI Ukraine Poll: Opposition to Russian Military Intervention Strong Throughout the Country, Enthusiasm for Election is High

This overwhelming majority opposed to Russian intervention extends to every region (97 percent, west; 94 percent, center; 69 percent, east; 75 percent, south), to all age groups (18-29 year olds, 85 percent; 30-49 year olds, 85 percent; 50 and older, 85 percent) and to men and women (men, 84 percent; women, 86 percent). In addition, 68 percent of Russian-speaking citizens oppose military intervention by Moscow.


* Support for invasion dropped from 13% to 9% since last month.

* 64% expect Russia to try to disrupt the elections.

The survey was conducted by Baltic Surveys/The Gallup Organization, with field work carried out by Rating Group Ukraine. The survey was funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development.