Vasyl Stus — calling for his own destruction . . . and getting it

Vasyl Stus “Соціалізм — це найчесніший людський лад. І він мусить виростати на чистій, на природній людській основі чесності, справедливості і взаємодопомоги людей, а не підтримуватись зграєю платних шпигунів, поліцейських, донощиків, кар’єристів, чиє ім’я — людська безликість. І за такий соціалізм варто боротися до скону.”

Translation (Google): Socialism – is the most honest human system. And he must grow in clean, natural human based on honesty, fairness and mutual people and not supported bunch of paid spies, police, informers, careerists, whose name – human impersonality. And for such a socialism worth fighting to end of life.



(Ukrainian: Васи́ль Семе́нович Стус; January 8, 1938 – September 4, 1985) was a Ukrainian poet and publicist, one of the most active members of Ukrainian dissident movement. For his political convictions, his works were banned by the Soviet regime and he spent 23 years (about a half of his life) in detention. On November 26, 2005 he was posthumously given the title Hero of Ukraine by order of the state.

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Vasyl Stus died after he declared hunger strike on September 4, 1985 in a Soviet forced labor camp for political prisoners Perm-36 near the village of Kuchino, Perm Oblast, Russian SFSR, where he had been transferred in November 1980. Danylo Shumuk reported that the commandant, a certain Maj. Zhuravkov, committed suicide after the death of Vasyl Stus.[5] In the Kuchino camp, out of 56 inmates kept there between 1980 and 1987, 8 died, including 4 members of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group.


In 1985, an international committee of scholars, writers, and poets nominated Stus as a candidate for the 1986 Nobel Prize in Literature, but he died before the nomination materialized.[8] He was nominated by a German writer Heinrich Böll, who publicly stated that he expected Stus to win the prestigious prize.


The tradition of Ukrainian patriots feverishly advocating their own destruction remains alive and well.