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The Big ‘Russian’ Lie – the re-branding of Muskovy

“Just a century ago people in France and Europe could easily differentiate Rus’ from Muscovy”, Theodore Casimir Delamarre, owner and editor in chief of La Patrie, said back in 1869 in his petition to the French senate.
“History shouldn’t forget, people we know now as Ruthenians were known previously as Rusians (spot single “s”) or Ruses and people we call now as Russians were Muscovites and their land was called Muscovy”, added Delamarre.



As for this video, in this I examine exactly why Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia are different countries, cultures, and peoples and how history, easily available to all, shows us this very, very clearly.

Maiorov, Alexander Vyacheslavovich. “The daughter of a Byzantine Emperor–the wife of a Galician-Volhynian Prince.” Byzantinoslavica-Revue internationale des Etudes Byzantines 72, no. 1-2 (2014): 188-233.
Jarzyńska, Katarzyna. “Patriarch Kirill’s game over Ukraine.” OSW Commentary 144 (2014): 14.
Keleher, Serge. “Orthodox rivalry in the twentieth century: Moscow versus Constantinople.” Religion, State and Society: The Keston Journal 25, no. 2 (1997): 125-137.
Lynch, Allen. Vladimir Putin and Russian Statecraft. Potomac Books, Inc., 2011.
Shevt︠s︡ova, Lilii︠a︡. Russia–lost in transition: the Yeltsin and Putin legacies. Carnegie Endowment, 2007.
Pearce, James C. The use of history in Putin’s Russia. Vernon Press, 2020.
Andriewsky, Olga. “Towards a decentred history: The study of the Holodomor and Ukrainian historiography.” East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies 2, no. 1 (2015): 17-52.
Beevor, Antony. Russia: Revolution and Civil War, 1917-1921. Penguin, 2022.
Curanović, Alicja. “The attitude of the Moscow Patriarchate towards other Orthodox churches.” Religion, State & Society 35, no. 4 (2007): 301-318.
Cybulski, Marius L. Political, religious and intellectual life in Muscovy in the age of the Boyar Fedor Nikitich Iur’ev-Romanov aka The Grand Sovereign, the most holy Filaret Nikitich, patriarch of Moscow and All Rus’,(ca. 1550-1633). Harvard University, 1998.
Graziosi, Andrea. “The Impact of Holodomor Studies on the Understanding of the USSR.” East/West: Journal of Ukrainian Studies 2, no. 1 (2015): 53-80.
Koropeckyj, Roman. “Russia and Ukraine.” TLS. Times Literary Supplement 6194 (2021):
Kyrychok, O. “Role of the Kyivan Rus’ Writing in Strengthening Greek and Byzantine Understanding of the Political.” Ucrainica Mediaevalia, 2 3 (2019): 63-70.
Montefiore, Simon Sebag. Stalin: The court of the red tsar. Hachette UK, 2010.
Poppe, Andrzej. “The christianization and Ecclesiastical structure of Kyivan Rus’ to 1300.” Harvard Ukrainian Studies 21, no. 3/4 (1997): 311-392.
Plokhy, Serhii. The gates of Europe: A history of Ukraine. Basic Books, 2015.
Prodan, Tetyana. “Honor and Dignity in the Kyivan Rus Period.” ФІЛОСОФІЯ (2019): 81181.
Screen, J. E. O. “Gajecky, G.” The Cossack Administration of the Hetmanate”(Book Review).” Slavonic and East European Review 59, no. 1 (1981): 156.
Van Bergen, R. “IVAN III, THE GREAT.” Russia, China and Eurasia 34, no. 4 (2018): 579-584.
Voloshyn, Yuriy. “Household composition and family structures of Ukrainian Cossacks in the Second Half of the eighteenth century.” The History of the Family 20, no. 1 (2015): 141-157.
Wilson, Andrew. The Ukrainians: unexpected nation. Yale University Press, 2000.

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RT @MunSecConf: Our most watched video of 2022? Prime Minister of Estonia, @kajakallas , explaining Soviet negotiating tactics.



According to FM Andrei Gromyko, the Soviet negotiation strategy had three principles:

1. Demand the Maximum. Don’t ask, demand something that has never been yours.
2. Give Ultimatums. Threaten
3. Don’t give an inch in negotiations. Rely on Westerns who will always offer something.

X’s / Twitter’s Russian backers are Petr Aven and Vadim Moshkovich


Elon Musk has complied after all and provided a list of X Holding Corp shareholders who helped the billionaire buy Twitter. And who do you think turned out to be the investors of the X platform? That’s right, Petr Aven and Vadim Moshkovich. Now it is absolutely obvious where Musk got such love for Russia and where the roots of “filters” due to anti-Russian publications grow from. Let me remind you who Aven and Moshkovich are.

Petr Aven is a Russian billionaire, founder of Alfa Group, which is one of the main wallets for Putin. This man is controlled by the Kremlin as much as possible, for example, in 2018 he traveled to Washington with his colleague Fridman to lobby on behalf of the Russian government to lift international sanctions on Russia. Aven is one of Putin’s oldest friends. In general, without Peter’s interference, Putin would be in jail rather than becoming president. After all, Aven covered for Vladimir Putin in 1992, when he organized the illegal trade in export licenses. Aven promptly approved him as an authorized representative of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Affairs with the right of foreign economic activity, thus saving the future dictator from prison. Aven also attended a meeting with Putin on February 24, 2022 to mark the start of the invasion of Ukraine. He did not express any protest, started the special military operation and silently supported Putin. By the way, he along with Friedman is trying to get sanctions lifted, just yesterday he received another rejection in this matter.
Twitter is represented in the purchase by 8VC Opportunities Fund II, L.P., a company in which his son Denis works.

Vadim Moshkovich is a sub-sanctioned Russian agrarian billionaire who was a member of the “Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation”. In other words, he was officially part of Putin’s closest circle. Moshkovich owns Russia’s largest agricultural holding Rusagro. Naturally, he also attended the meeting with Putin on February 24, 2022 and, like Aven, did not express any protest against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Twitter is represented in the purchase by 8VC Opportunities Fund II, L.P., a company in which his son Jack (Eugene) works.

Also an interesting personality is Al-Waleed bin Talal Al Saud, who both personally and through his Kingdom Holding Company is represented in the list of investors as many as three times. This man continues his investment business in Russia and does not publicly support Hamas in the war against Israel. He regularly works with Rosneft, Lukoil and Gazprom on investments in Russia.

Knowing all of this, how can there even be a discussion about Elon Musk’s bias? Everyone was thinking how is it possible that Twitter (X)’s stock is plummeting, advertisers are breaking contracts, and no one is doing anything about it. I mean, that’s a direct loss to investors. But what everyone overlooked was the fact that investors didn’t care about profits, they needed a platform to promote their narratives, such as: supporting Putin and Russia; lobbying to freeze the war in Ukraine; taking the Ukrainian agenda out of the top news; the righteousness of Hamas, etc.

It is now obvious that all the changes to Twitter that are ruining this beautiful platform are a consequence of Elon Musk’s collaboration with people like Moshkovich and Aven.

“Russia must invade as many countries as possible.”

In a candid moment, Russian propaganda chief points out that in this golden era in which the US absolutely refuses to stand up for allies, Russia must invade as many countries as possible.

I don’t care about Russia, I’ve got a tsar!


This clip of Russian opposition politician Vladimir Ryzhkov on TV in 2004 has recently resurfaced thanks to @CurrentTimeTv

His warnings for the country’s future are frighteningly prophetic

You might also recognise the presenter…

Russian media mocks MAGA Trump supporters as “not very smart,” “rednecks,” and “primitive people” who you have to talk to with “cliches and dumb slogans.”

Russian media mocks Trump supporters as “not very smart,” “rednecks,” and “primitive people” who you have to talk to with “cliches and dumb slogans.”

Joseph Brodsky was a despicable psycho, and typical “Russian liberal”

From his poem about Ukrainian indepdence in 1991:

It’s over now. Now hurry back to your huts
To be gang-banged by Krauts and Polacks right in your guts.
It’s been fun hanging together from the same gallows loop,
But when you’re alone, you can eat all that sweet beetroot soup.
Good riddance, Khokhly, it’s over for better or worse,
I’ll go spit in the Dnieper, perhaps it’ll flow in reverse,….

But mark: when it’s your turn to be dragged to graveyards,
You’ll whisper and wheeze, your deathbed mattress a-pushing,
Not Shevchenko’s bullshit but poetry lines from Pushkin…..


Circassian Genocide

From 1818 until the great deportation of 1864-67 over 1 200 000+ Circassian have been killed by russia, with the number of Circassians who died during deportation via Black Sea being unknown.

95%+ have been either killed or expelled.