We returned to my in-laws from a half day trip. I was entering the house with my arms full, when my son told me he wanted to jump. “So jump,” I said, not understanding. He kept going on about how he wants to jump, and I eventually realized he wanted to jump from the side of the stoop, and needed me to move the car. I told him to jump somewhere else, and continued in the house.
Later, as I was setting down my things, Danylo told his mother: “Я не можу з тим Романом спрветися.”
It’s a hilarious construction for a three and a half year old. It translates “”I couldn’t come to terms with that guy, Roman.”
Later, he explained to his grandmother how it’s supposed to work: “Roman gets in the car, and then it moves, like this.”
Faced with his continued interested in the procedure, I moved the car. He jumped from the stoop once, and then went around the house to the backyard garden.