All these stupid people with pseudo-patriotic concerns about foreigners buying too much of Ukraine’s land are nothing but useful idiots for corrupt oligarchs and politicians who want to eliminate competition from the land sale business.
“A sale of agricultural land has been illegal in Ukraine since the Moratorium Act of 1992. Despite many promises, neither administration liberalized a market in agricultural land. Nonetheless, a black market in farmland has thrived. Now it is becoming one of the largest illegal markets in farmland, with approximately $900 million in annual sales, in Eastern Europe. The black market has a backing of local state officials. Corrupt bureaucrats embezzle their power to stuff their pockets with cash while they are stripping the nation of important natural resource and robbing poverty-stricken rural population of their private property. The black market causes environmental degradation and undermines sustainable economic development of Ukraine, one of the major world grain exporters.
The moratorium has never stopped the black market in Ukraine. According to Ukraine’s State Committee on Land Resources (SCLR), almost 20 percent of farmland changed ownership in the last decade. And it seems that the black market is booming now more than ever. ” (Read more from