Curt on the Advantages of Lviving in Ukraine

Asymmetry of Earnings.

In Ukraine, a gardener/landscaper costs $200 month. A housekeeper / cook / maid $800. You probably own your car outright, and your home/apartment outright. And bribing your way out of a speeding or traffic ticket costs $10-$20. Food is cheap, fresh and good quality (other than beef which isn’t sweet here.) Violent crime is hard to find although like all of europe, the degree of petty crime is outrageous to americans. The internet is good, nearly free, and pretty much everywhere. Sure, the roads are tragic. the infrastructure is falling apart. The architecture is a mixture of bleak soviet era slum and The restaurant service is very slow. The government is corrupt as hell. But at least, unlike western countries, the bureaucrats are practical rather than self-righteous about their corruption.

Oh. Did I mention the people are so beautiful they’re like watching a living art form?