Lviv Mayor’s Plan for Local Autonomy

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“Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadovy on his page in Facebook unveiled a specific quick decisions to be taken in the near future in the field of local government. According to officials, ” this is no fantasy and dreams , and accurate execution of the commitments by Ukraine , which we assume have signed the European Charter of Local Self-Government .”

1. Pass under the authority of local governments to police for Public Safety ( PPP and precinct ) and the traffic police. ( The events of recent months have clearly demonstrated a need ).

2. Pass under the authority of local governments Inspection derzharhbudkontrolyu . ( In 2009, the city took the opportunity to control the construction of new facilities on its territory. General This is absurd !)

3. Leave in local budgets 50% corporate income tax . ( This will allow cities to decide where to direct the funds not beat them through government programs ).

4. Transfer functions of control over the protection of the historical heritage of the local authorities. (Today Lviv denied the opportunity of such control. Knock Construction company permits to build in the area through the Site or RSA Ministry of Culture . Ministry officials , who had never been to Lviv, allowing for a bribe to destroy our city ).

5. Allow local governments to conduct their own costs through state banks rather than through the establishment of the Treasury. ( At present, because of this limitation the state blocks all cities of Ukraine ten million of our money . Squandered our money elementary Cabinet officials . Communities are caught irresponsible financial policy. Example be no ).

6. Perform the fall 2014 early elections of all local authorities. This will allow them to gain the legitimacy to implement new features.

“This is the only step that can be done very quickly. Has become next broad program strengthening local governance – the best vaccine against separatism. For each of these points we have prepared draft decisions to be taken in Parliament and Cabinet and gave the new government . Believe that the Deputy Prime Minister on Regional Development Vladimir Groisman , as a man who understands the problem from the inside, will be our ally in this matter, ” – says Orchard .”