Survey of Ukrainian perception of Russia, US, European Countries

There is an absolute national consensus on Russia. 95% of citizens consider Russia “unequivocally hostile”, another 3% – “rather hostile”, another 1% chose the answers “neutral” and “difficult to answer”. 52% and 32% of Ukrainians consider Belarus “unequivocally” and “rather” an enemy, respectively.

Among Ukraine’s friends during the war, Poland confidently is on top – 79% considers it “unequivocally friendly”, another 17% “rather friendly” (96% in total)

Among other Western allies, Ukrainians praise Lithuania, Great Britain, and the United States (85%, 86%, 88% see them as “friendly”, 0%, 1%, and 2% consider “hostile,” respectively).

All other EU and NATO countries surveyed also enjoy a significant positive attitude, but two EU countries stand out.

The biggest problems are in the attitude of Ukrainians towards Hungary. 12% consider Hungary a hostile state, 45% – friendly (including only 13% – “unequivocally friendly”). It is worth noting that Hungarians also have an ambiguous attitude towards Ukraine. As EuroPravda reported earlier, a quarter of voters in Hungary’s ruling party blame Ukraine for the war.

The attitude of Ukrainians towards Germany is much better but still rather problematic. 6% consider Germany an enemy, 57% believe it is a friend, and 33% consider be neutral.