Part 2
This part of the series discusses the transformatino of the @Heritage
Foundation from a Reaganesque organization to a Kremlin apologist organization.
The relationship between Heritage and Hungary started with a meeting of Kevin Roberts and Viktor Orban on November 29, 2022. The Hungarian media reported that they agreed of family values and the importance of religion. It seems clear that Orban used his “social agenda” to find common grounds with Heritage. Orban argues that this social agenda is why he is unpopular in Western Europe (ignoring the real issues).
Poland engaged in the same objections to EU immigration policy and it much more religious as a country, but is among the strongest supporters of Ukraine. Hungary objected to military aid to Ukraine and also is spending less than 1% of its GDP on defense (one of the freeloaders that conservatives, even Heritage folks, have criticized). But Hungary has strong relationship with Russia.
Of course, Hungary is among the bottom third of countries in Europe on religious faith and this has nothing to do with Orban’s brand problem.
Pew Research:
% of people who say they attend church weekly: US 36%, Hungary 9%, Russia 9%.
Pray daily: US 55%, Hungary 16%, Russia 18%
Say religion is very important to them: US 53%, Hungary 14%, Russia 16%.
By March 2023, Heritage and the Danube Institute (chiefly owned by the Hungarian government) signed sa cooperation agreement.

Heritage Foundation and Danube Institute Sign Landmark Cooperation Agreement

Prior to that agreement, the #HeritageFoundation was taking an aggressively pro-Ulkrainian stance.
“In the months leading up to the vote on the Ukraine aid bill, Heritage’s policy experts argued in favor of an aggressive American role in the conflict, including huge amounts of aid.” NYT, May 27, 2023.…
One of their fellows posted on twitter and was ordered to delete it:

After that Hungarian deal, #HeritageFoundation completely flips its position on Ukraine, actually opposing U.S. aid. “Jessica Anderson, the executive director of Heritage’s lobbying operation, released a searing statement — its headline blaring “Ukraine Aid Package Puts America Last” — that framed the measure as reckless and ill-considered.” NYT, May 27, 2023. Then comes the Heritage ad buy in August 2023. What communications did they have on this with the Hungarian Government through the Danube Institute or otherwise? Orban has been an unspoken supporter of Russia in the Ukraine war, repeating many common Kremlin propaganda lines that wwere repeated in the Heritage ad. It seems to be no coincidence.
This is especially suspicious since Heritage’s defense policy chief adviser was bypassed on the op ed and ad buy. He resigned in protest. Did Heritage staff from Hungary participate in the Ukraine material?…
Hungary is accused of supporting Russia and opposes sanctions of Russia. See Part 1. Orban has been vehemently demanding ceasefire in Ukraine in August 2023. He has called countries that sent aid to Ukraine “warmongers.”…
has flipped in position 180 degrees to echo many of Orban’s own comments, while dumping of all of advisors who previously supported aid. This is probably not a coincidence.
Heritage has briefed the Freedom Caucus (many of whose members voted to oppose vote) as well as Senator Hawley from Missouri and Governor Ron DeSantis, who based much of his position on Heritage briefings. Hawley has security clearances did he know of the connection to the Hungarian Government?… Is Heritage Foundation registered under FARA as an agent of the Hungarian Government? [on-line search found none].They have been advocating policies to US decision-makers. Do any of their staff have security clearances? Why was the Roberts’ op ed piece published without the normal internal review at Heritage? Did the Danube Institute review it in advance? The Hungarian Government?
and all Republicans should be running as far away from @Heritage
as possible, especially on Ukraine issues. This pattern of inside influencing is exactly the typical Russian game plan. Knowlingly staying involved with them after this connection is known is not a smart move and might be very seriously problematic. Republicans at least should fact check what they have been told by Heritage since its recruitment by Hungary.
For detailed description of the recent Heritage Ukraine position and its misleading contents:
Part 3 with discuss Tucker Carlson.