RIP Alexander Muzychko

Alexander Muzychchko, the outspoken gun advocate and Pravi Sektor member has been assassinated. Three Pravi Sektor activists were kidnapped in the same incident.


Chairman Rivne UNA , rights activists sector Jaroslav Granite confirmed information about the murder Muzychko . According to Granite , he saw the body of the dead , torn clothes on it . ” Those who killed him, convinced that it does not have the vest , and then shot in the heart,” – said the chairman .

Granite argues that no one else was killed. But among the kidnapped three of the “right sector ” and two civilians . Among them, the chief city employment center Vladimir Datsenko .


In this video, he discusses how the Minister of Police, Avakov, wants to kill him




Right Sector’s leader Yarosh is demanding the resignation of new Min. of Int. Affairs Avakov after killing of his fellow leader. #Ukraine

Right Sector is not popular per se, but they have a lot of sway as a moral authority on #Maidan. This could be very damaging to new gov’t.