We haven’t been able to take my son swimming very often since returning to Lviv. On the two occasions that we managed, I tried to keep him accustomed to the water, and specifically to holding his breath, by having him dive for Hotwheels cars or coins which I toss into the water.
He manages when the water isn’t too deep, and seems to enjoy it.
So much so, that last night he practiced his diving kills in the bathtub after asking my help putting on his goggles.
He’d also gotten a hold of a bottle of shampoo, unscrewed the cap, and dumped the whole thing into the tub. There were Islands and hills of soap suds on the surface.
After one exploration of the depths, he somehow resurfaced right into a large island of soap suds, and they completely covered his head and face, leaving only the smooth, dark plastic of his goggles. It looked like the head of a snowman atop a boy’s shoulders.
My some coincidence of timing, my wife had just walked in to check on him with our 6-month old in her arms. Little Marichka took one look at the sea monster and started to cry.